Puppy teething symptoms

Puppy teething symptoms occurs between 3 to 8 months of age. During this uncomfortable phase, sturdier and duller adult teeth will slowly replace the often sharper and smaller milk teeth.

Puppy teething symptoms include:

  • Surge in chewing incidents on household items such as furniture, shoes, bed, carpet, plants etc. Just about anything really. Sometimes even you!

  • Sore and swollen gums. Your puppy will likely be reluctant to let you touch or inspect her mouth. Do so as gently as you can if you must and follow up with a treat.

  • Developing a low fever. One common sign of dogs having fever is both the back of her ears and paws feel warm to touch. Confirmed it by taking her temperature using a digital thermometer specially design for dogs. Human thermometer doesn’t work well in the regard.

  • Excessive drooling is among the most common and tell-tale sign of puppy teething symptoms.

  • Blood stains left on things she chewed. Bleeding should be minimal and nothing to worry about. If there are more blood than it should, consult your vet as soon as possible.

  • Falling of baby teeth seems like an obvious sign but the chances of locating a drop tooth is often slim. Best way to confirm is by checking her mouth for new empty tooth spot regularly.

Destructive Puppy Teething Symptoms


Doubling down on puppy proofing!

Puppy proofing your home when puppy teething symptoms emerge becomes even more important. Watch out for house plants, leftover foods, batteries etc; that are toxic to your puppy!

Applying harmless but gross tasting aversion spray (e.g. aloe, vinegar) around the area your puppy likes but not supposed to chew is an effective way to discourage destructive chewing.


Similarly, if your puppy likes to pick on a person in your family, just apply some of these sprays on his/her hands or legs (area where your puppy always targets). Ensure your palm and fingers handling your puppy’s meal is aerosol free, you don’t want to accidentally discourage her from her own food.


When your puppy backs off after mouthing and finding it unpleasant, praise it and hand her a chew toy instead.

Retained Teeth

Retained teeth are baby teeth that refuse to drop and reside along with the new adult teeth creating a ‘double fangs’ effect.


Usually you don’t have to do anything, the retained teeth will fall out after some time.


The only time you need to worry is when the adult teeth have difficulties pushing itself through the gum and growing at an unnatural angle. In this case a vet should be consulted to get the baby tooth removed.

Reliefs for puppy teething symptoms 

Your puppy needs to chew a lot during this phase to relieve the discomfort of her aching gum. It is natural. However, to prevent accidental swallowing of harmful objects and destroying your home in the process, suitable chewing reliefs must be available to her.

  • A variety of good chew toys that are strong yet yielding to young teeth. They should not have sharp corners or pieces and would not break easily. 
  • Cold chew toys that are can be refrigerated for that additional soothing relief. 
  • Hide Chews made from dried animal skins are well receive by puppies.
  • Stuffed kong toys. These are usually strong rubber toys that can be stuffed with treats to encourage chewing.
  • Cold raw carrots
  • Ice cubes. A bowl of it from time to time if your puppy likes it.

Be ready to praise her aplenty whenever she uses any chew toys or reliefs you prepared for her. This will help her understand the boundaries of what is chew-able in the house and leads directly to positive chewing habits as she grows.

Playing with your puppy is a good way to drain her pent-up energy!

Good chewing habits

Tendencies to chew during the teething stage is natural. It is also essential for developing jaw muscle.


However, teething is not the only reason for excessive chewing. Puppy teething symptoms are no reasons to overlook destructive behavior problems that might persist well into her adulthood if left unchecked.

Other common cause for chewing:

  • Boredom-Puppy craves lots of stimulation. Puppies left alone for long periods almost guarantee to develop behavior issues. If you must leave your puppy alone for a few hours, make sure to leave her with lots of chew toys or a special treat like a hide bone or marrow bone.


        Not only will they give your puppy something to do, they also help in cleaning her teeth and developing jaw                  muscles.


        A note on bones though, only give dogs raw bones. Cooked bones are harder with the risk of splintered.


  • Lack of exercise-Appropriate amount of exercise and games will help deter the need to chew.  A tired puppy has less energy for mischief.


Dental Care

Although teething phase is uncomfortable, you can still get her started on a good dental routine by introducing daily teeth brushing early in her life.


Use a soft child’s or a puppy’s toothbrush. Choose a flavored dog toothpaste. Do not use human toothpaste as they are not meant to swallowed.


Initially, allow your puppy to lick the toothpaste off and chew on the brush. Gradually slide the toothbrush to and fro along the gum line. Pause when your puppy shows signs of discomfort, do this in slow gentle strokes.  


As with all new experiences during puppy-hood, make teeth brushing as positive an experience as possible. Never try to force her mouth open or rush the process. Just sliding the toothbrush under her lips is good enough in the beginning. Let her gradually ‘get used’ to it at her pace.

Finally, remember to give lots of praise!

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